Website linking between CDMFA and club

As an Association that uses RAMP as their Club's webpage, please follow the steps below to sync the two pages together!


Why do you want to sync the pages together, you may ask?

RAMP has created this as a way to save effort for teams, only having to log in through one page vs two, and by having the league games show up on your webpage/team app without the need to enter in all the games per team!


Before you can sync team webpages together, please ensure the following is done:

-Players have been imported into your webpage

-Teams have been made, jersey's entered and Staff are listed

-Team logins have been sent out to whom will be managing the team


If you have already done the sync, but the above was not done, or a new player has registered, or jersey numbers have changed etc:

-You will need to log in as the specific team on the CDMFA webpage and adjust the information there vs. your home webpage

Please save yourself some work and only do the sync when ready!  This way if changes need to be made, they are a minimum amount!


How to Sync Team webpages:

-Your leagues contact has forwarded the system team login emails, there will be one per team

-In the main dashboard of your Associations webpage back end, click on League Tie-in

-Click on the appropriate Season, Division and Team

-Enter in the specific Team login details and hit submit or sync 

-refresh the page

-Once page is refreshed, scroll down till you see Copy Players

-Using the arrow buttons, you can now move players from your Associations Box (right hand side) to CDMFA box (left hand side)

-Once you have moved everyone including staff over, you now can copy players.


The team websites should now be fully sync'd, with league games showing up on your Associations webpage and your players/staff showing up on CDMFA webpage.

Your team managers now can log in as they normally would, but now have access to entering scores, rosters and verifying games with out having to visit the CDMFA webpage! 




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