CDMFA Information

The League

The CDMFA is the Capital District Minor Football Association. The CDMFA is a Registered Society (Alberta) whose members operate the league in order to provide the opportunity for minor football teams in the City of Edmonton and its surrounding communities to play each other in the spirit of friendly competition. Our Member Associations or Clubs operate teams in the various levels available under Football Alberta rules for minor football in Alberta. Some of our Member Associations only operate a single team, whereas others operate multiple teams.  These teams include: U9 (Novice) Flag teams, U11 (Atom) teams, U13 (Peewee) teams, U16 (Bantam) teams, U19 (Midget) teams and U16 & U19 Female Tackle teams.


Our Mission Statement

To be an association of football clubs that strives for a safe, affordable and first-class amateur football opportunity in the Capital District by governing league play, supporting member organizations, and promoting teamwork, leadership and good sportsmanship with a focus on the development of participants and the enjoyment of everyone.


Our Crest



Age Groups and League Divisions

There are 5 age groups, or Divisions, for minor football in Alberta. They are U9 Flag *both Spring and Fall seasons* (players who turn 6, 7 or 8 before December 31st of the current year) U11 (players who turn 8, 9 or 10 before December 31 of the current year.), U13 (players who turn 11 or 12 during the current year) U16 (players who turn 13, 14 or 15 during the current year and who are not entering grade 10 in September of this year) U19 12/Side Division was added in 2005. U19 level players are currently in Grades 9, 10 or 11 and who are not turning 19 in the current calendar year. In general terms, if you are eligible to play High School in the fall, you can play U19 in the spring of the same year, provided that you are no older than 18 during the current calendar year. 

U11 players play a 6 per side tackle football game.  U13 players play a 9 per side tackle football game. U16 plays either 9/Side or 12/Side and U19 play a 12 per side tackle football game.

For the All-Female Tackle Programs, there are 2 age groups, or Divisions.  U16 (players who turn 13, 14 or 15 during the current year and who are not entering grade 10 in September of this year) and U19 (players currently in Grades 9, 10 or 11 and who are not turning 19 in the current calendar year).  The All-Female Tackle Programs play a 6 per side tackle football game during the Spring Season.


Our Fall Season  

Normally the U9 (Novice) Flag, U11 (Atom), U13 (Peewee) and U16 (Bantam) tackle season starts mid-August and runs until mid-October. This is followed by three weeks of League Playoffs and two weeks of Provincials. Games are normally played on Saturdays and Sundays. Again this season there will be a few games played on Friday nights "under the lights"; we are indeed fortunate in that many of our facilities are lit stadiums, and our players (especially the younger ones) get a big thrill of being able to play these night games. Most clubs begin practices many weeks before the season starts. Teams are not permitted to practice during the month of July. *The U19 (Midget) season is a Spring League and takes place during the months of April and May. U19 (Midget) teams have their pre-season tryouts and dry-land training events in March.

Upcoming Events

Mar. 26, 2025 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Mandatory Spring Tackle Coaches Meeting - Female
CDMFA Office

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Mar. 30, 2025 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Fall Registrars Workshop
CDMFA Office

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Apr. 07, 2025 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Mandatory Spring Tackle Managers Meeting - Female
CDMFA Office

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