All CDMFA games are presided over by qualified officials who are members of this association. We are proud to partner with this fine association whose members, while paid a small fee for their services, are largely volunteers and truly committed sports enthusiasts. While most are seasoned veterans, the CDMFA is the entry level for football officiating and some are just learning this challenging role. Please provide them with your support, encouragement and respect. If you are interested in becoming an Official please contact the EFOA.
The EFOA is again this year looking for new officials. As our league grows, the demand on our officiating crews grows as well. Unfortunately the need for officials is outpacing the rate of new referees coming into the sport.
Officiating is fun and it's rewarding, both personally and financially. If you have ever considered getting involved in minor sports, here's an area where you are sorely needed.
Contact the EFOA through their website at
Mandatory Spring Tackle Coaches Meeting - Female
CDMFA Office
Mandatory Spring Tackle Managers Meeting - Female
CDMFA Office